18:00 - 20:00 Workshop 20:00 - end DJ Moonbat
Black-out poetry is when you take existing printed material, from books, magazines, comics, flyers, etc, and create new content from it by crossing out words and/or images on the page. You can also turn your black-out poetry into a collage by cut-and-pasting other words and/or images onto the original page.
We will provide material that is deemed unworthy (fatphobic magazines, racist flyers, transphobic novels, ...), but you can also bring problematic magazines, novels, poems, ... and together we'll reclaim these printed works by turning them into black-out poetry!
The workshop-givers speak English and Dutch (and some French), participants are encouraged to use the language they are most comfortable with.
Stay after to party into the evening with music courtesy of DJ Moonbat.