2019 edition


Closing Paaarty, Laaast Dance

🎈🎈🎈 Saturday 29/6: Bar open 1PM - 3:30AM 🎈🎈🎈


Two months flew by again! ✈️

Let’s share stories, celebrate the moment and fantasise about the future. Let's dance, let's hug, let's share a beer and a tear.

We are so excited to see familiar faces and new characters on this special night. It's gonna be so hot and so joyous. All welcome!

19 - 20:00

Marnie Slater (dj set) -- hip hop & pop by queer, feminist and female-identified music makers

20 - 20:30

najah.y (experimental gig) -- hypnotico impro mutante tropico

20:30 - 22:00

IllSyll (dj set) -- hip hop, afrobeat, trap, femtrap

22 - 00:00

Alpha Zolam & Dj Poker -- disco mania duo !

00:00 - 1:30 Anna Yad (dj set) -- techno/acid

01:30 - 3:30 Melissa Juice vs Azo Melissa Juice will give us some hot and heavy house vs Azo who will make a heavy and modern fusion of house, techno, rave and funk music

These three last dj were part of the one year Missfitte anniversary last week which was unexpected cancelled...full support!!


From 20:00, feeelings will provide exquisite make-up and hairdos, lifting you up while you illuminate the stage and the dance floor.

➰prix libre ou prix conseillé 4€ ➰

$$$ LAST Party à PRIX LIBRE // Show your LOVE and drop the MONEY $$$

Drag Bal

🎈🎈🎈 Friday 28/6: Bar open 5PM - 2AM 🎈🎈🎈


🎊 21:00 - 22:00 🎊

La Nature Contre Nature (tout contre) Performé par Camille Pier, écrit par Camille Pier et Leonor Palmeira Le sexe ! Quel sexe ? Pas le sien, bien sûr. Ni même le vôtre. Et encore moins le nôtre. Mais celui des autres : nos amis les animaux ! La Nature contre-nature (tout contre) » est un exposé scientifiquement précis et tendrement pétillant de toute la diversité sexuelle qui existe chez les animaux. On y apprend à remettre en question la binarité des genres, l’exclusivité du sexe reproductif et la composition classique des familles. Un véritable hymne à la joie de vivre et à la liberté des identités, même chez nous, les humains !

🎊 22:30 🎊


ENG (French below) : You always dreamed of performing some subversive drag on stage ? Drag is not only about wigs and glitters, it’s not always about being flawless ! At Mothers & Daughters we want to support the diversity of drag forms, so come as you want ! We love female drag queens as much as drag queers, drag kings, tranimals, and all the creatures yet to be discovered ! And bring us any kind of performance you would like (could be lipsynch, but also readings, spoken words, live music, etc.) ! Come and share some weird (or not !) creature with us ! REGISTRATION AT THE BAR FROM 6PM In order to represent a diversity that is not often visible in the drag scene, PRIORITY will be given to people who do not identify as cis men (who are still welcome to perform is there is some available slots !). ((Technical support will include one mic and sound system))

NL : Heb je er altijd van gedroomd om een subversieve drag performance op een podium te brengen? Drag draait niet enkel om pruiken en glitters en hoeft zeker niet “flawless” te zijn! Bij Mothers & Daughters willen we de diversiteit aan vormen van drag vieren, dus kom zoals je wil! We houden evenveel van vrouwelijke drag queens als drag queers, drag kings, tranimals en al de wezens die je samen met ons wil ontdekken! Breng ons eender welke performance die je wil (lipsync, gesproken woord, een lezing, live muziek, etc!) Kom en deel vreemde (of niet) wezens met ons! REGISTRATIE AAN DE BAR VANAF 6PM Om de diversiteit te kunnen representeren die vaak afwezig is in de drag wereld, geven we PRIORITEIT aan personen die zichzelf niet als cis-man identificeren (wie zich als cis-man identificeert is wel welkom om te performen indien er nog plaatsen vrij zijn!) ((Technische ondersteuning aanwezig: een microfoon en geluidssysteem))

FR : Tu as toujours rêvé de faire du drag subversif sur scène? Le drag ça n’est pas seulement une histoire de perruques et de paillettes, le but n’est pas toujours d’être « flawless » ! Chez Mothers & Daughters nous voulons soutenir la diversité des pratiques drag, donc viens comme tu le souhaites ! Nous aimons tout autant les female drag queens, que les drag queers, les drag kings, les tranimals, ou toute autre merveilles encore à découvrir ! Et ramène le type de performance que tu veux (ça peut être du playback, mais aussi du slam, de la poésie, de la musique live, etc.) ! Viens et partage ta créature bizarre (ou pas!) avec nous ! INSCRIPTION AU BAR A PARTIR DE 18H Dans le but de représenter la diversité souvent invisibilisée sur la scène drag, LA PRIORITÉ sera donnée au personne ne s’identifiant pas comme homme cis (ceux-ci seront tout de même bienvenus pour performer si des places sont encore disponibles !). ((Le soutien technique inclura un micro et un système son))

🎊 00:00 - 01:30 🎊

DJ SET to be announced

Feminist sysadmins, unite!

19:30-00:00 Feminist sysadmins, unite!

How to be in praxis in 'virtual' feminist infrastructure and become sysadmins. Add to our Living data, and post your content to our wordpress blogging platform. Let's emancipate from GAFAM - and imagine our own online services and tunnels. By introducing you to alternative and open source online environments, lets' encrypt and establish basic trust with anarchaserver - feminist server. Welcome to all no-bits, beta-testers, CSS, html, sql, wordpress princesses, wizards, dragons or apprentices of any kind.

Bring your laptop or digital devices.

with ooooo

Herstory Sunday

Herstory Sunday cyberfeminist tools for our archives & stories

15:30 - 19:00

An afternoon to discover/test/discuss cyberfeminist tools to spread and safekeep our stories, archives and resources. To share skills, nourishment, herstoric fragments, bits and bytes.

We all gather material, whether it is personal recordings, texts, photos, or common resources, strange collections, even full-on libraries. In our case, after doing research for the exhibition BAL - Brussels Almanack Lesbian last year, we sit with an eclectic but massive collection of fragments from Brussels’ lesbian herstory,

Sharing and safekeeping our stories is especially important for any marginalized community, but how do we best do this? We want to open up a conversation about tools, digital ownership, personal archiving and feminist servers over some good food so we can start exchanging resources together with your curious, twisting, dreaming Sunday afternoon-minds. (For those interested to continue it will be possible to bring these conversations into practice in a workshop on Wednesday 26.06 at M&D)

We will start by looking into www.anarchaserver.org - a feminist server which aim is to develop autonomous infrastructure on the Internet for feminists projects, both its live data and repository for collective memory. During the afternoon we will share texts, images, recordings, digitally and in print and be live streaming on radio ruelles http://www.ooooo.be/ruelles/

Bring your technical devices and/or your recordings, favourite pdf’s, books, song lyrics, hungry minds and bellies.

//// Anarchaserver guided by ooooo, community nourished by Claire G, special support by samedie’s collective interventions by surprise guests and the Herstory Sunday Team.

Working document: https://mypads.framapad.org/p/cyberfeminist-tools-at-m-d-qa2pzz7ju

Practical info:

Open to everyone.

The food is prix libre, a BBQ with supplements.

+++and following in practice 'Feminist sysadmins, unite!' on Wednesday 26/06 (19:30-00:00)

Herstory Sunday 17 June 2018

⚢ Herstory Sunday ⚢ here we come!

Qpoc Mental Health Workshop

☁☁11:00-14:00☁☁ Mental health workshop 4 QBPOC


Face au racisme, lesbo/bi/phobie et hétéro/cis/sexisme, quelles sont nos difficultés mais aussi nos ressources en matière de santé mentale ?

Discussions et échanges animés par Myriam Monheim et Roxanne Chinikar, psychothérapeutes et psychologues.

Groupe ouvert à toute personne racisée* ET LBTQI*. 
considérée comme étrangère, discriminée, opprimée, violentée sur base de leur apparence, leur couleur de peau, leur nom, leur religion ou leurs origines culturelles.
** Groupe en mixité choisie sans hommes cisgenres.

Places limitées. Possibilité de baby-sitting sur inscription. Repas offert. 
Participation gratuite mais inscription obligatoire via : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfaUITe7QAfbtlbpeAb1RovFZoeypeOtILdhYlh5SX0pvhR6A/viewform?usp=sf_link&fbclid=IwAR05tm1DvJZgquuoKk-Fl73BwqKAYJyXnoWCc2cY75ZhnJ4OAji0WMQR0XA

This discussion will be held in French. Cette discussion aura lieu uniquement en français.

Un deuxième groupe est prévu pour le 11 juillet, lieu à confirmer.

Cette initiative est soutenue par Joëlle Sambi Nzeba, Marnie Slater et Leïla La Boubou, avec le soutien financier de SPIN.

Slam Congo Connection

« Slam Congo Connexion. » - Soirée Slam "Congo Connexion with Lisette Lombe, Astrid de Man, Joëlle Sambi & le gang des grands-mères congolaises»

☁☁20:00-21:00☁☁ Le Manguier en fleurs asbl (aka le gang des grands-mères) est un espace mis à disposition des seniors d’origine subsaharienne afin de créer du lien et de les sortir de la solitude. Lisette Lombe : poétesse / performeuse - L-Slam (Liège) Astrid de Man : poétesse Joëlle Sambi : Autrice / Slameuse Entre belgitude et congolité se loge une histoire longue comme le fleuve Congo et sombre comme la mer du Nord. Entre Belgique et Congo s’entendent des voix vieilles et jeunes, inaudibles, bruyantes, presque muettes et nécessaires. Rejoignez-nous pour une soirée slam inter-générationnel avec sur scène : le gang des grands-mères congolaises (le Manguier en Fleurs), Astrid de Man, Lisette Lombe et Joelle Sambi.

Scène slam ouvert aux anciennes et aux jeunes générations congolaises de Belgique. Une soirée toute en poésie et en émotions avec des mots pour dire, transmettre, ébranler, repeindre, construire, aimer, partager et raconter. Balle au centre… Nous sommes. Tozali. Nous serons. Tokozala. Trève de bla bla : Solola Bien.

☁☁21:00-22:30☁☁ Slam Poetry Show w/ Astrid de Man, Lisette Lombe et Joelle Sambi suivi d'un open Mic inscription obligatoire (feuille au bar) dès 19h. Toi aussi ramène ta grand-mère, ta tantine, ta mère, ta meuf, ta soeur, ta fille, ton crush, ton amour et tes amantes. Toi aussi, vient dire ton texte de mots d’amour et de coeur, ta poésie engagée et politique, ton slam en fleurs et allo, des roses ?

☁☁22:30-01:30☁☁ Party DJ set by Colonelle Bambi Rokia Bamba


Alt X + Porn project

♡ 13:00-16:30 ♡ Self/Auto Por.n.trait (led by Leïla La Boubou in FR and ENG) A l’époque de la domination des selfies, comment explorer notre d.éesse.ieu du sexe intérieur.e de manière plus profonde qu’en en prenant simplement l’empreinte superficielle ? L’autoportrait est très différent du selfie, et il peut être un très bon outil d’empuissancement. Utilisons le pour nous définir, et nous reconnecter à notre sensualité et notre sexualité ! (Utilisation de techniques diverses telles que le dessin, le collage et la photographie. Aucune connaissance préalable n’est requise !) In the area of selfie domination, how can we explore our inner sex god.dess more deeply than just taking an imprint of the superficial image? Self-portrait is very different from selfie, and can be a very good tool of empowerment. So let’s use it to define ourselves and reconnect with our sensuality and sexuality ! (Use of different techniques such as drawing, collage, photography. No skills needed !)

♡ 14:00-15:30 ♡ Pancakes workshop (donné par Justine Sarlat ENG et FR) Let's have sex with pancakes to awaken some of our sleepy body parts & transform them in playful erogenous zones. Pancakes are warm, floppy & sweet perfect for vanilla sex! More infos in the REGISTRATION FORM: https://framaforms.org/crepes-workshop-at-mothers-daughters-1559057900 Venez donc faire du sexe avec des crêpes ! Elles sont chaudes, sucrées et malléables, parfaite pour réveiller certaines zones de notre corps engourdies. Plus d’infos dans le formulaire d’inscription : https://framaforms.org/crepes-workshop-at-mothers-daughters-1559057900

♡ 17:00-18:00 ♡ ⒪⒫⒠⒩ ⒟⒤⒮⒞⒰⒮⒮⒤⒪⒩ Discussion sur la masturbation, viens partager tes astuces et tes hontes ! Open discussion about masturbation share your tips & your shame!

♡ 18:00-19:00 ♡ Masturbation mini-zines workshop (led by Justine Sarlat, ENG et FR) An opportunity to make a zine out of our discussion, and create mini-manifestos to bring home & to enrich M&D's archive! En partant de la discussion et de nos expériences, créons de mini manifestes à remmener chez soi et/ou pour enrichir les archives de MoDa !

♡ 20:30-21:30 ♡ ⒪⒫⒠⒩ ⒟⒤⒮⒞⒰⒮⒮⒤⒪⒩ « How did you come out to yourself? » Let’s share our stories, tips and shame to be stronger ! Discussion « Comment as-tu fais ton coming out à toi-même ? » partageons nos histoires, nos astuces et nos hontes pour être plus fort.e.s !

♡ 22:00-23:30 ♡ Carte blanche au Porn Project Projection of short porn movies selected by them. Projection de court-métrage porno sélectionnés par leur soin.

LE PORN PROJECT s'empare se pare d'images pour fissurer l'industrie hétéropatriarcale du porno. LE PORN PROJECT c'est revêtir tous les rôles attenant à la création d'un film porno, dans une pratique DIY (scénario, performance, images et son, montage, graphisme, diffusion,...). LE PORN PROJECT est incarné par le collectif Les PéPé.e.s, qui sont 13 entités situé.e.s: non-binaire, queer, trans ft*, au genre fluide, meuf cisgenre, grosse, gouine, neurodivergent.e, lesbienne, bi.e, pan, travailleuse du sexe et majoritairement blanc.he. LE PORN PROJECT cherche du soutien pour financer la finalisation des films et sa propagation ! IGG.ME/AT/PEPE-E-S

Tomboys Don't Cry Party

After last year's adventure, TBD'C is back at M&D HQ to introduce:

19:30 — 21:05 | Screening — ! Belgian Preview ! BODY LANGUAGE #3 presents the documentary: MELMARIDÈ (“divorced” in italian dialect), the story of group of women from Piacenza, a small city in the north of Italy, who challenged the disdain of their families, and joined the voices of the wider international feminist movement in the 1970s. They initially founded a feminist collective, and later started a public women’s health clinic and counselling center. The clinic was a self-directed and self-financed structure that offered free information on birth control, medical examinations, and help to access abortion, when it was still illegal in Italy. This was a political act that arose from a profound urgency for personal freedom and self-awareness, and it united them and radically changed their personal and political viewpoints. Forty years later, these women find themselves different, older, but still friends and with the same non-conformist spirit, determined in their desire not to forget the experience that changed them forever. This is a collective story that is composed of encounters, memories and intimacy among women who are profoundly different but who are all — more or less — happily @ melmaridè. Directed by Elisa Bozzarelli and Alice Daneluzzo, 2018, '95, Italian with English subtitles. This film will be screened in the presence of Alice Daneluzzo.

BODY LANGUAGE, curated by TOMBOYS DON'T CRY, is a research platform about moving image. Through the presentation of a selection of video and film projects, between contemporary experimentation and cinematographic tradition, the platform maps the complexity of the transfeminist lgbtqaixyz community experience. Previews and archive projects, in dialogue with current events, alternate to give visibility to paths, intuitions, stories and desires, which can make us reconfigure the past, to create new bonds in the present and to breathe the future. 𝔅𝔏 is resident at the independent @cinemabeltrade, Milan.

$฿Prix Libre¥₡

21:05 — 1:30 | TOMBOYS DON'T CRY PARTY TBD'C is a Milan-based queer artistic collective of girls and non-binary subjectivities, who have been promoting adventures in gender since 2011. They take pleasure in expressing themselves in the territory of the club as a group of DJs and fostering a culture of visual and sonic research and experimentation. Past collaborations include: @cinemabeltrade, Milan; Some Prefer Cake lesbian movie festival, Bologna; Cruising Pavillion, la Biennale di Venezia/Architecture; Trrueno, Buenos Aires; Loud & Proud, Paris.

DJ SETS by — ASHASHA — ALIENI — PETRA — TZAZIKY & CRACK https://soundcloud.com/tomboysdontcry

€฿Prix Libre¥£

  • During the evening:

21:05 — 23:00 | NAIL BAR — brutalist nail varnishing — A little finger with a tropical forest, an index like a window open to a new galaxy, a thumb on fire... As a performative gesture we will decorate one or all your claws, in a spartan and deconstructed style, for a touch of exuberant extravaganza or as a sign of a secret clan. Come and sit at our table to exchange stories and emotions, translated into small colorful miniatures surrounded by the vapor of acetone.

∞ A selection of :,) BAFFALO hacking unisex gear will be available for Mothers & Daughters & Friends! Ca$h only!

www.facebook.com/tomboysdontcry www.instagram.com/tomboysdontcry


Where We Belong

☁☁19:00-20:30☁☁ Where we belong - reading group Mothers & Daughters invite le collectif Where we Belong:

Le collectif de lesbiennes, bies et queers bruxelloises « Where We Belong » vous emmène en effet à la découverte de récits de vie queer. Partant de l’intime, ces textes explorent les liens entre identités, sexualités et les nombreuses oppressions qui s’articulent dans les parcours queer, qu’elles soient liées à la classe sociale, à la race ou à l’identité et à l’expression de genre. Nous avons sélectionné et traduit des textes « historiques » et récents d’autrices et auteurs comme Leslie Feinberg (Stone Butch Blues), Dorothy Allison, bell hooks, Jeanette Winterson ou encore des témoignages de jeunes Samis queer.

Parce que la culture lesBïenne n’est ni anecdotique ni de seconde zone, Omdat lesBische cultuur niet anekdotisch, noch tweederangs is, Because lesBIan culture is neither insignificant nor second rate;

parce que notre histoire se doit d’être transmise, omdat onze geschiedenis doorgegeven moet worden, because our history deserves to be passed on;

parce que chacune de nos initiatives pour la raviver est un acte de résistance contre les modèles dominants hétérocentrés, omdat elk van onze initiatieven om haar te doen heropleven een act van verzet is tegen de dominante heteronormatieve modellen, because every step taken to bring this culture back to life is an act of resistance against the dominant norms of heteronormativity;

parce qu’en faisant réseau, on se renforce, omdat we ons versterken als we een netwerk maken, because we get stronger by building networks;

nous rendons ses lettres de noblesse à notre culture. we willen onze cultuur in ere herstellen. because we can restore this work to its rightful place in our shared heritage

Nous vous invitons à célébrer sa diversité, sa subversivité et sa créativité! We nodigen u uit om haar diversiteit, subversiviteit en creativiteit te vieren! We invite you to dive into this wealth of diversity, subversiveness and creativity!

La lecture sera en français.

De lezing zal in het Frans zijn.

The reading will be in French.

En savoir plus sur nos lectures Om meer te weten over onze lezingen To know more about our readings https://wherewebelongbxl.wordpress.com/

Queer Community Roundtable


We often evoke the notions of queer community and queer family, especially in spaces like Mothers & Daughters. But what do these words actually mean to us?

On Wednesday 19/6 we will tackle that question with a panel of queer activists with different backgrounds.

Some of the related questions we will discuss are: How do we build community and queer relationships? Is it useful to speak about “queer family”, and if we do so... what precisely are we talking about? How do we deal with conflict within our communities? How do we maintain an inclusive understanding of what “our” community is? Or in other words: how can we think plurality within unity?

Panel: Xiri Tara Noir, Odile Strik, Han Ster and Yasmina Lemsiah Moderator: Robin Brettar

Tattoo Flash Day

♡ 13:00-20:00 ♡ Tattoo Flash Day With Mélanie Mtz @gutstattoo KKR @k.k.ro Abel de Mai @abel_ttt La Boubou @leila_la_boubou

♥ 13:00 TATTOOTALK (ouverte à tou•te•s / open to everyone): « Le choix de la (non)-représentation », « Comment les inscrivons-nous dans les corps? », …

♥ 14:00-20:00 TATTOOSESSION First arrived, first served ! Premi•er•ère arrivé•e, premi•er•ère servi•e !

++++ 18 - 19:00 Streaming live radioshow ++++ Studio Volant de Radio Panik avec l'émission en direct 'Chroniques Mutantes' 105.4FM

Neo Beat New Wave Post Disco Celebrating Life


  • Dj Jess The Lez
  • b2b with
  • Dj Brown Neon
  • Brown Neon, playing post punk, coldwave, new beat and eurotrash
  • back2back with
  • Jess the Lez, playing no wave, neo disco, house & electro.

Butchcamp b2b M&D Team B2B

19:30 7min-video clip Le clip "Choeur de doléances" vise à faire entendre les doléances petites et grandes, actuelles et historiques, remplies d'humour et de colère des femmes valaisannes lors de la Grève des femmes-Grève féministe qui se déroule dans toute la Suisse le 14 juin.

20:00 Please join us for a presentation of the project ButchCamp by the two founders and friends Isa Toledo and Rosie Eveleigh.

ButchCamp is a project that seeks to plot an uncharted history of the term ‘camp’ by centring a lesbian-specific sensibility. It’s a visual historiography project — aka images and texts — that suggest how dykes still share a subliminal set of signs (despite classic male camp going mainstream); a wink in the eye of the beholder.

The talk will be in Q&A form: asking questions of each other and of the project. By pointing out the reoccurring, ineffable dykiness in particular gestures, codes and dress, we will caress the topics of online archives and social media, the marginalisation of lesbian culture, and maybe even claim some space for (Butch)Camp's queer subversiveness today.

22:00 Mothers & Daughters team back-to-back DJ night

Gals in a band listening session


HETEROCLIT, a Gals In A Band listening session. Music made or performed by Lesbians, queers, gender fluids, women and feminists. Non-normative explorations, lesbian, butch, queer, trans*,non-binary, fluid, cyborg and maybe more. Bring your music, laptops, usb keys or cd’s and let’s talk, exchange and listen. Welcome to all.


DJ GIAB crew: Billye, Kleptom and special guest Kika

Radical self care workshop

18:30 - 21:30

"Our Silence Will Not Protect Us" - A Radical Self Care Workshop for Queer Activists And Allies

In a society that glorifies productivity and discriminates and punish difference, being marginalized and taking care of yourself is a radical action. Because nobody else is caring about us. This workshop is a space for us as queer activists to take the time to determine for ourselves who we want to be, rather than who society wants us to be.

Together we will critically re-think the ways in which we struggle, and confront our own prejudices surrounding what it means to be ‘a good activist’. We will work towards developing tools to start practicing ‘the world that we want’ in the ways we organize ourselves as individuals, and as communities. We will work with how to create our own self care strategies and to set up our own healthy barriers.

As community activists and care takers we are supporting areas of our society in critical states. We need to continue this work, without running ourselves into the ground. Radical self care, recuperation and pleasure are crucial for continuing our struggle for a sustainable society for all.
 The workshop is inclusive and open to all genders and bodies, but encourages individuals who identify or have been identified as queer and/or female to participate. The work doesn’t require any experience, just come as you are and with clothes that you feel comfortable and can move in.

Xiri Tara Noir is a community activist, organizer, performance artist and choreographer. S.he has facilitated research labs, workshops and lectures for artists and activists, who are both able-bodied and differently-abled-bodied. As an activist s.he has her roots in the radical queer feminist and sex worker community and has been working in various collaborations with women on the edge of society. In her choreographic practice s.he examines the edges that separates and connect academic research from our everyday gestures and practices. Within a variation and exchange of social rolesher work explores the boundaries and hierarchies between ‘artist’ and ‘audience’, and between what it means to be observing or participating in an event. www.xiritaranoir.wordpress.com

La Sale Coiff' + Tarot


La Sale Coiff’ Peuple du style, Ami.e.s de la coupe, de la sale coiff', Mercredi, c'est Sale Coiff' pour tout le monde! On squatte le Mothers and Daughters, le bar lesbien éphémère salvateur. Alors amène ta touffe, tes rouflaquettes, ta calvitie et tes aisselles, on aiguise nos ciseaux et affutons nos sourires, le bar est mixte, sois pas timide.

++++ scéance Tarot aussi! ++++

Bnabbot listening session

18:00 -20:00



  • LES MOTS SONT DES MOUVEMENTS (rythmic piece)

L’ouverture du bar Mothers&Daughters au printemps 2018 a rassemblé une communauté en déficit. En déficit de lieu, de célébration, de rituels collectifs. Dans la foulée de cet événement dont la proche disparition rendait précieuse la présence, Séverine Irène V. Janssen x BNA-BBOT ont enregistré des témoignages, des conversations, des souvenirs. Ces enregistrements ont eu lieu dans le bar et à l’extérieur du bar et donnent lieu à 4 pièces sonores.

EN PRESS PLAY FOR MORE LESBIAN AUDIBILITY Collective listening session Event in EN + FR


  • WORDS ARE MOVEMENTS (rythmic piece).

The opening of the Mothers & Daughters bar in the spring of 2018 brought together a community in deficit. In deficit of place, celebration and collective rituals. In the wake of this event whose

near disappearance made its presence all the more precious, Séverine Irène V. Janssen x BNA- BBOT recorded testimonies, conversations & memories. These recordings took place in the bar

and outside the bar and resulted in 4 sound pieces.

Breakfast + The argonauts reading session

13:00 - 16:00 A Turkish inspired breakfast

While much of the rest of the world views breakfast as a routine necessity, in Turkey, kahvalti, literally translating to “before coffee", is a gathering that brings — and keeps — friends (and family) together.

Almonds, dried grapes & abricots Cucumbers -Olives - Mint Caffé au lait or Black The

Cilibir Eggs (poached eggs and yogurt) Red lentil & aleppo pepper oil Spinach & Lemon Crepes feuilletés

´¨) ¸.•´¸.•´¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸.•` 13:00 - 14:30 The Argonauts Reading session

The Argonauts is an intrepid voyage out to the frontiers of love, language and family. A timely and genre-bending memoir that offers fresh and fierce reflections on motherhood, desire, identity and feminism.

We will collectively read the first pages of the book. It’s great if you have read the book but not necessary. If you want to talk or have questions about particular parts of the Argonauts, feel free to bring them with you and we’ll discuss them together

Hot Bodies Choir + Poxcat Party

21:00 - 21:30: HOT BODIES - CHOIR

Hot Bodies Choir gather queer, LGBTQIA+ and feminist individuals around writing and choir singing practices. In this frame, the participants exchange experiences and ideas inspired by the reading of queer-feminist manifestos (such as Scum Manifesto - Valérie Solanas, Cyborg Manifesto - Donna Haraway, etc.) and work together towards the collective writing of revolutionary texts. These unique, polyphonic and unruly texts form the basis of a choral score, arranged musically by Gérald Kurdian and performed live by all the participants. HOT BODIES - CHOIRS is the third project of Gérald Kurdian’s research cycle on sexual revolutions entitled HOT BODIES OF THE FUTURE. https://www.facebook.com/hotbodieschoirs/

22:00 - 1:30: POXCAT PARTY Amigo III +Nurse+ Hyppocampo Poxcat is a collective dedicated to support DJs by promoting their work. We commission and repost DJ mixes we like and organise parties. http://poxcat.com/

Feminist Market

13:00 - 19:30 FR > Soutiens ton artiste féministe locale! Mothers & Daughters organise un Feminist Market, pour soutenir les productions locales et les créatrices féministes (et queers!).

NL > Steun lokale feministische makers! Mothers & Daughters organiseert een feministische markt om lokale producten en feministische (en queer) makers te steunen.

EN > Come and support your local feminist artist! Mothers & Daughters is happy to organize a Feminist Market to support local production as well as feminist (and queer!) creatresses.

Here are the wonderful feminist creators who will be presenting!⭐️

  • Anna Metral - Le Médaillon de ma Mie (embroidery)
  • Nina Echozina & friends (zines, soaps, postcards, jewellery)
  • Lisette Baer (black-out poetry & art pièces)
  • Megan Bear (zines & embroidery)
  • Anouchka Oler (ceramics)
  • Hélène Drénou (silkscreening, edition)
  • Claire Shybusa (illustrations)
  • Margaux Legroux - Take a Beau - (bow ties)
  • Marie Leprêtre (illustrations)
  • Louve (embroidery on underwear)
  • Raquel - Desirenhos (silkscreening on objects)
  • Delphine von Kaatz (underwear and totebags)
  • Rainbow Concept Store (glitter jewellery)
  • Audrey Ickx (metal jewellery)
  • Marie Patoul (drawings)
  • rile* (edition, books)
  • Roxanne Maillet (tshirts, silkscreening)
  • Anaïs Dudout (illustrations)

It's gonna be amazing, and we are SO HAPPY to be able to gather this fabulous crowd at our place. Come and check them out :)

  • ✹ DJ set Kill Your Valentine from 5pm to 7pm ✹
  • ✹ DJ set Kill Your Valentine from 5pm to 7pm ✹
  • ✹ DJ set Kill Your Valentine from 5pm to 7pm ✹

Self Defense workshop

In this workshop you will discover:

♀♀♀ to have an experience of self-defense in a respectful environment ♀♀♀ be able to discuss the notions of violence/non-violence in a nuanced way ♀♀♀ to give a basic ‘grammar’ of the gestures and reflexes to be trained in different situations ♀♀♀ show that techniques are adaptable to different bodies ♀♀♀ This workshop will be introductory. Learning reflexes requires an ongoing training.

None of the proposed exercices are in any way compulsory

The techniques taught will be adapted to the participant's bodies and needs

Part of a series of 3 workshops: 17/5, 31/5, 7/6 it is recommended to participate in all 3 workshops but it is not compulsory

closed to : white/cis/hetero/able-bodied men between 4 and 12 participants FR, ENG 17:00 - 18:30

to participate, fill this form

M&D of Cultures: A Fermentation Lab


EN: come, learn and share recipes and secrets of kombucha and kefir ///we will try from a scoby or grains to fement some at the bar ♀♀♀ and we are still looking for a vinaiger mother!

FR: viens, apprends et partage des recettes et des secrets autour du kombucha et du kefir. ///on essayera à partir d'une souche ou de grains d'en laisser fermenter au bar ♀♀♀ et on est toujours à la recherche d'une mère de vinaigre

NL: Kom, leer en deel recepten en geheimen rond kombucha en kefir. ///we zullen proberen uit een scoby of granen te gisten aan de bar ♀♀♀ en we zijn nog op zoek naar een azijnmoeder

DJ workshop

19-22u DJ workshop + show what you learned party

DJing for Beginners! With AZO Ca fait un moment que tu as envie de découvrir le monde merveilleux du mix? Tu voudrais pouvoir ambiancer soirées queers et fêtes de quartier? Tu as envie de tâter du bouton?

Mothers & Daughters soutient la DJetterie émergente en t'invitant à un DJ workshop, donné par l'incroyable DJette AZO (emoji feu) Qui est AZO? Résidente des soirées Bénédiction, et de Madame Moustache, AZO enflamme tous les dancefloors de Queerland et au delà, depuis 2008. https://www.facebook.com/azodance/

Sur quel matériel? Double platine CDJ Que faut-il apporter? Une clé USB remplie de musique (format audio WAV, AIFF, AAC, MP3) Pour qui? Femmes, personnes trans et non-binaires Faut-il s'inscrire? Oui! Envoie un email à events@mothersanddaughters.be (10 places disponibles) Combien? Prix libre, tu donnes ce que tu veux/peux Horaire: 19h-21h >> Workshop 21h-23h >> Pratique libre. Autrement dit, une façon relax de t'entrainer, avec un public tout doux de mercredi soir. Tes copines sont bienvenues pour t’écouter et te soutenir;)

Workshop en française, avec traduction anglais possible.

Plant Exchange

14 - 18u

“Les lesbiennes ont la main verte! Tu as une astuce infaillible pour faire pousser les noyaux d’avocat (grand débat)? Tu sèmes amoureusement tout ce que tu trouves?

Ce dimanche, viens échanger des boutures et agrandir ta collection de plantes.

Kom planten stekjes uitwisselen en vergroot je plantencollectie.

Come exchange plant cuttings and expand your plant collection.

Le principe: tu apportes des boutures (graines, plantes…) on te fournit une petite étiquette pour mettre ton nom dessus, éventuellement le nom de la plante si tu le connais fais un tour et repère les autres boutures qui te plaisent propose un échange à la personne qui a les boutures de tes rêves

Youo bring seeds, cuttings, etc. We will put labels with your name (and the name of the plant if you know it) on your plant-baby's. When you see a plant of your liking, you can propose an exchange to the person who brought it.

Queer open mic & Party

++++++ From 8pm ++++++

For the queer open-mic, feeelings will hold a little station where she'll provide exquisite make-up and hairdos supporting you while you illuminate the stage and the audience. ➰prix libre

++++++ 9-11pm ++++++

A night dedicated to our talented community! Une soirée dédiée à notre communauté talentueuse! Een nacht toegewijd aan onze getalenteerde community!

Come occupy our stage and get your 10 minutes of fame! Kom ons podium bezetten en krijg je 10 minuten roem! Venez occuper notre scène et obtenez vos 10 minutes de gloire!

Priority to queer women, non-binary and trans folx, and people of color. Priorité aux femmes queers, aux personnes non binaires et trans et aux personnes racisé.e.s.

More info and registration: events@mothersanddaughters.be

++++++PARTY 11:30am - 1:30am++++++

RoseBoy (mix dark and sweet techno)

entrance/prix conseillé: 3€

Self Defense workshop

In this workshop you will discover:

♀♀♀ to have an experience of self-defense in a respectful environment ♀♀♀ be able to discuss the notions of violence/non-violence in a nuanced way ♀♀♀ to give a basic ‘grammar’ of the gestures and reflexes to be trained in different situations ♀♀♀ show that techniques are adaptable to different bodies ♀♀♀ This workshop will be introductory. Learning reflexes requires an ongoing training.

None of the proposed exercices are in any way compulsory

The techniques taught will be adapted to the participant's bodies and needs

Part of a series of 3 workshops: 17/5, 31/5, 7/6 it is recommended to participate in all 3 workshops but it is not compulsory

closed to : white/cis/hetero/able-bodied men between 4 and 12 participants FR, ENG 17:00 - 18:30

to participate, fill this form

Sos Plumbing Party

Come and support us through our emergency issues ➰〰️ We already have lots of plumbing memories from last year and would love to add some unforgettable ones this evening 😉

10:30 - 00:00 DJ IRIS ➰ http://www.bluetoorange.com https://www.facebook.com/Dj-IRIS-573594366460630/

00:00 - 01:30 Anavli 〰️ Live Set ➰https://soundcloud.com/glitterdecadence/anavli-aub

entrance/prix conseillé: 3€

Fat Positivity Belgium

Black-out poetry workshop and party

18:00 - 20:00 Workshop 20:00 - end DJ Moonbat

Black-out poetry is when you take existing printed material, from books, magazines, comics, flyers, etc, and create new content from it by crossing out words and/or images on the page. You can also turn your black-out poetry into a collage by cut-and-pasting other words and/or images onto the original page.

We will provide material that is deemed unworthy (fatphobic magazines, racist flyers, transphobic novels, ...), but you can also bring problematic magazines, novels, poems, ... and together we'll reclaim these printed works by turning them into black-out poetry!

The workshop-givers speak English and Dutch (and some French), participants are encouraged to use the language they are most comfortable with.

Stay after to party into the evening with music courtesy of DJ Moonbat.

Tattoo flash day

Tu rêves de te faire tatouer? Viens, c'est le moment!

Voel je je eindelijk klaar voor je eerste tattoo, of wil je je collectie uitbreiden? Nu is het moment!

On 25/5 and 15/6 Mothers & Daughters will be transformed into a tattoo studio! We will provide a safe space where people with all body and skin types will be welcome to get inked.


Which means:

(っ◔◡◔)っ you cannot reserve a spot beforehand, so come early! You can only book a time-slot for the day itself and we work with a first come, first serve policy, with priority going to queer women and trans folx.

(っ◔◡◔)っ The artists will bring some tattoo designs that you can choose from (which is called "flash"). Some adjustments might be possible, but it is not possible to ask them to create a design on spot based on your own ideas. So you could say that tattoo flash is a story of love at first sight.

(っ◔◡◔)っ To keep this event accessible, you can choose what you pay within a suggested price range. Please keep in mind that we only accept cash.

If you were never tattooed before and are nervous about it, don't worry! We are there to explain the process, comfort and guide you.

The tattoo artists will create special flash that is based on the beautiful and rich images from Ella Sutherland's research about lesbian and queer history. Don't miss the opportunity to get yourself a unique Mothers & Daughters piece!

Artists: @leila_la_boubou, @Pinky.Thumby.Tattoo, @Raphaële_fromskytoskin, @buttcoin.transaction

From 11:00 on

Sober Night

Don't stop, stop the music Keep on dancing, you can do it Baby come on

A party for lesbians, queers, and their friends to socialize and dance in a sober environment.

Line-up: 21:30 Fée C (live concert) 22:30 - 00:00 DJ Kurpie 00:00 - 01:30 DJ Margaux (FB and soundcloud: @melodicmargaux)

Whether you’re recovering from dependency, not drinking for health (or whatever) reasons, want to support your sober friends, looking to party without having to deal with a hangover the next day, or just curious about going out dancing without the pressure of intoxicant-oriented spaces… this night is for you!

We recognize that the majority of LGBTQ+ spaces and events involve alcohol, making it very difficult for those of us for whom alcohol isn’t safe, to be actively involved in our communities. Because of that, we offer the Sober Night as an alternative. Please show your respect and don’t sneak in any booze, drugs or other intoxicants. Let’s change our ideas about what partying can or should be and let’s dance all night… sober!

During this event, we will expand our (already quite exciting) range of alcohol-free drinks!

Kathy Acker: reading session

“Intense sexual desire is the greatest thing in the world”

At this reading group we will collectively read Kathy Acker’s short story New York City in 1979, “a tale of art, sex, blood, junkies and whores in New York’s underground.” Janey, Acker’s narrator in several of her novels, prowls the city looking for sex and embarks on an anti-capitalist and romantic journey with Baudelaire, prostitutes and the city at its centre. We will discuss Acker’s writing strategies and how Acker’s literary language and themes speak to some issues feminism faces today.

Sign up via an email to events@mothersanddaughters.be

We can provide copies of the text but if you prefer to have the book (Penguin Modern Classics, €2,50) please mention it in your email if you would like to receive one. ♀♀♀ NB: It is only possible to order the book until the 16th of May. It is of course still possible to sign up for the reading group afterwards.

19:30 - 22:00

Planète Concrète jam session

Planète Concrète is an open universe staged by strange / loving creatures. Music, performance and visual elements are the main instruments of this pink noise collective. feel free to join and bring some instruments/devices…

More info

3pm-until the end


Self Defense workshop

In this workshop is meant for you to:

♀♀♀ have an experience of self-defense in a respectful environment ♀♀♀ be able to discuss the notions of violence/non-violence in a nuanced way ♀♀♀ to learn a basic ‘grammar’ of the gestures and reflexes to be trained in different situations ♀♀♀ see that techniques are adaptable to different bodies ♀♀♀ This workshop will be introductory. Learning reflexes requires an ongoing training.

None of the proposed exercices are in any way compulsory

Part of a series of 3 workshops: 17/5, 31/5, 7/6 it is recommended to participate in all 3 workshops but it is not compulsory

closed to : white/cis/hetero/able-bodied men

between 4 and 12 participants FR, ENG 17:00 - 18:30

to participate, fill this form

Lesbier launch & Table-tennis tournament

Come and join us this Sunday for a table-tennis tournament and a tasting session of LESBIER. Our special Mothers & Daughters beer, brewed by Brasserie No Science and our very own team!


Mothers & Daughters

  • A Lesbian Bar - OPENING NiGHT

-EN- Your lesbian bar is coming back! Please join us for the opening night of Mothers & Daughters. We need your smiles, your shaking hips and your wise words to warm the space for the coming months. Bring some plants to create a jungle on the terrace !

Lesbians, trans folx, queers, feminists and their friends are welcome.

-NL- Je lesbische bar komt terug! Je bent van harte welkom op de openingsavond van Mothers & Daughters! We rekenen op je lach, je schuddende heupen en je wijze woorden om de plek op te warmen voor de komende maanden. Breng planten om een jungle op het terras te creëren !

Lesbiennes, transgender personen, queers, feministen en hun vrienden zijn welkom.

-FR- Ton bar lesbien est de retour! Viens te joindre à nous pour l'ouverture de Mothers & Daughters. On a besoin de vos sourires, de vos déhanchés et de vos sages paroles pour réchauffer l'espace pour les prochains mois. Apporte des plantes pour créer une jungle sur la terrasse !

Lesbiennes, personnes transgenres, queers, féministes et leurs ami.es sont bienvenues.

LINE-UP ★ 10:30 - 00:00 --- Rokia Bamba (dj set) ★ 00:00 - 01:30 --- Melissa Juice (dj set)

Free Donation

Facebook event here